About NeoPharmInvest LLC

  • To become one of the leading suppliers of laboratory equipment, consumables and biotechnological raw materials in the Republic of Belarus.
  • To provide our customers with the best service: prompt delivery timeframe and convenient payment conditions.
  • To enter the foreign market.

Our Mission

Будущие цели - НеоФарм
Команда профессионалов - НеоФарм
NeoPharmInvest LLC was created on 24th of September, 2021.

We gathered a team of professionals at Neopharminvest LLC. All of them employ an expert approach to sales, identifying the customer's need, selecting the product they need. This allowed the Company to become the main supplier of equipment, raw materials and materials for one of the major Belarusian manufacturers of biotechnological products in the shortest possible time.

NeoPharm is professionalism, high capacity, curiosity and pursuit of the new combined in one.

About Us

Принципы и ценности - НеоФарм
We always put our clients' needs first. Therefore, we adhere to the following principles in our work:
  • transparency
  • open communication
  • customer orientated approach
  • high professional standards
  • complete confidentiality
  • high level of responsibility
Your requests are a valuable resource for us!

Our Principles & Values

Сonstant growth:

Critical analysis of the market demands
Анализ - НеоФарм
Accumulation of knowledge
Знания - НеоФарм
Analytical Activities
Аналитика - НеоФарм